Friday, January 23, 2009
Just Being Random
Chinese New Year is just around the corner and tonight was rather dull and silent. We have class early in the morning and it was fun watching other people performing their impromptu speech but im gonna be the first right after CNY holidays. Stressful! This week was rather a heavy one, a struggle and it was frustating. And today's even the last day to settle the student bill so me and Sharwin rushed quickly to PB in sec14 to get it done. But there's this someone whom we saw while we were queing up in the bank and we thought he has finally decided to pay the fees but we were wrong. Degil betul, hahaha! Okay, after that was the biggest action for the day. A few of us decided earlier that we shall experience the new game called "left4dead". The first time i played the game, i was really enjoying it and yeah i became addicted to it. Kj should know that lately i have been visiting Blitz quite regularly lol! They were all really enjoying it today hahaha. And what a shame we all died three times continuously. Haha! Its almost 12 and i think thats all for tonight. Wishing all of u Xin Nian Kuai Le and have fun during the holidays!
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man that's one heck of a game. it was such an honour battling alongside you, zombie trooper. we gotta do it again! heh
yeah, one of the craziest game ever, just that 4players are not enough to battle expert mode, maybe shud make it 6, so we can have all our frens battling together in one game. Glad u and sharwin learned and pick up the game quite fast, thats why we made it to the finale! Haha!
actually four player can play expert difficulty ler..just that have to slow the pace of the game down and be extra careful. must check properly.
anytime if u want, mr lee.. im always ready to fight any difficulty! that day i play expert level and i think i can handle it well esp with all 4 of us..
Yv. I cant acess ur blog. U lock me or what? Isk Isk
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