I was driving to PJ where i made a turn to the Federal highway. There was a motorcyclist in front of me, and in front of that biker was a car (quite expensive, mid-range).
Upon reaching the end of that big round turn, the car suddenly pull to the left and came to a halt, without signaling and the biker who tailed so close behind the car cant stop on time.
As a result, OMG he banged into the car and the impact caused the front of his bike to be extremely crushed until the handle was bent to the right, which caused the biker to flung off from his machine and landed approximately 7m ahead, 2-3m ahead of that car. The carcass of that bike was just in front of my car because the biker was just 2 metres away in front of me before the accident happened. It happened in front of my eyes, so damn close to me.
Poor guy, i think he is seriously in a critical condition when i see how he landed onto the road, his body was flying on the air like those soldiers who got blew up in a war. Partially, it was his fault too to be tailing so close behind to that car, and obviously, the driver of that car should be put to blame for stopping at the wrong place and without signaling. S*** you!
Luckily i managed to dodge the carcass of that bike and the biker who was lying on the road. Thankfully i was in full attention at that moment. And another moron who was following so closely behind me had a shock of his life when i suddenly swerved to the right lane. He freaked out but managed to realize what was happening and he too, was lucky enough to be able to avoid it. The moral of the story is, do not follow too closely behind someone else when u r driving because when you are too close, you cant see what's in front of that car ahead of you. That position would put u in great danger.
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