Amazingly, the journey home was considered fruitful when i successfully obtained the remaining 27 respondents for the questionnaire.
The trip home was also partially to reaffirm something which has been lingering in my mind ever since i got to know about it. Hahahaha nothing interesting about it, just that the feeling of wanting to know can really be annoying sometimes. xP
Btw, it was really situated along Jalan 1, passed by when they were away to KL hahahaha, exactly like wat i saw in the picture.
I was halfway washing the car when i stumbled upon a few kittens. Probably i was away from home for quite sometime, those kittens were new in that area. I hv never seen such cute faces before LOL
Not only cute, they can be used as a weapon too. And they really look like SMGs (sub mission gun) cute weaponry xD

(Kitten A)

(Kitten B, but kitten C missing, Kitten C is yellowish white in colour)

(Vegetarian cat, found him inside a vegetarian restaurant, LOL)
The trip home was also partially to reaffirm something which has been lingering in my mind ever since i got to know about it. Hahahaha nothing interesting about it, just that the feeling of wanting to know can really be annoying sometimes. xP
Btw, it was really situated along Jalan 1, passed by when they were away to KL hahahaha, exactly like wat i saw in the picture.
I was halfway washing the car when i stumbled upon a few kittens. Probably i was away from home for quite sometime, those kittens were new in that area. I hv never seen such cute faces before LOL
Not only cute, they can be used as a weapon too. And they really look like SMGs (sub mission gun) cute weaponry xD
(Kitten A)
(Kitten B, but kitten C missing, Kitten C is yellowish white in colour)
(Vegetarian cat, found him inside a vegetarian restaurant, LOL)
why yucks? what was yucky?
Yer... so cruel, the way u hold it. Although I hate cat, but still...
"Murderer!" hahaa...
cats love me ok.. they come to my legs and manja.. the way im holding it is nt painful at all.. perhaps u shud go thru that process of being held that way to undstd the fun hidden in it.
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